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BREAKING: Ukrainian Army Retreats, Russian Flags Are Waving In Avdiivka, DPR

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BREAKING: Ukrainian Army Retreats, Russian Flags Are Waving In Avdiivka, DPR

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On February 15, the Official Speaker of the Ukrainian Tavria Operational and Strategic Group of Troops responsible for the defense of Avdiivka said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine had began partially withdrawing units from Avdiivka “to more advantageous positions”.

Over the past 24 hours, Russian forces achieved great success and took control of strategically important Ukrainian strongholds in different parts of the city.

BREAKING: Ukrainian Army Retreats, Russian Flags Are Waving In Avdiivka, DPR

Click to see full-size image

The Russian 1st Slavic Brigade waved the Russian flag over the main fortress of the AFU in the south of Avdiivka, the Zenith fortified area. The most important node of the Ukrainian defense in the south has fallen. This was the air defense base in the southwest near Avdiivka, which was turned by the AFU into a real fortress with underground concrete fortifications. This stronghold shackled the Russian offensive in Avdiivka from the southern direction. Today, this fortress has fallen.



The Ukrainian defense of the southern sector of Avdiivka continues to collapse with the threat of encirclement of the city. By the evening of February 15, in addition to Zenith, the Ukrainian army left the Donetsk filtration station on the southeastern outskirts of the city and retreated south into the woods.

The second Russian flag was installed in the northern part of the city near the last paved road leading to Avdiivka. The Russian flag flies at the intersection of Industrialny avenue and the highway, at the place where Zelensky took a selfie at the entrance to Avdiivka at the end of December 2023.

BREAKING: Ukrainian Army Retreats, Russian Flags Are Waving In Avdiivka, DPR

Click to see full-size image



The Russians took control of the entrance to the city after the assault detachments supported by aviation gained a foothold at the Avdeevskaya motor depot and advanced to the northwest. At the entrance to the city, they destroyed Ukrainian stronghold called Brevno, named after the restaurant located there.

In the city itself, Russian troops continue to advance into the city center and move along the banks of the flooded sand quarry. Russian stormtroopers are aimed at cutting the remaining field roads along which the AFU supplies the garrison in the city under Russian fire.

“Our 3rd Assault Brigade performs combat missions in conditions that we could even hardly imagine. The confrontation is not just with superior enemy forces – there are a huge number of enemies, they move from all sides. The fighting in Avdiivka is many times more hellish than the hottest battles of this phase of the war, which were in Bakhmut,” said the Deputy Commander of one of the most trained Ukrainian units, the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade of the AFU (former Azov) which was thrawn to the city about a week ago.

The Ukrainian army is drowning in mud:





The AFU are retreating to the high-rise buildings of the 9th microdistrict and to the territory of the Coke and Chemical Plant, where they will continue to hold defense in an attempt to inflict maximum damage to the advancing Russian army.

BREAKING: Ukrainian Army Retreats, Russian Flags Are Waving In Avdiivka, DPR

Click to see full-size image 

Meanwhile, the local authorities who fled from Avdiivka long ago, are waging their ideological war. Before the loss of Avdiivka, the authorities are urgently renaming streets in honor of the Ukrainian Nazis as part of the “de-Russification and decommunization” policy. For example, Gagarin Street was renamed into the street named after the notorious Ukrainian Nazi Dmitry “Da Vinci” Kotsyubailo, killed during the battle for Bakhut.

This is the real essence of the Kiev’s war. However, Kiev has already lost this ideological battle.


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Ray Douglas

death to all nazis.

Gneaus stapo

true i agree, especialy the real rashnik flathead subhuman assclown soldestka horde scum nazis


rascally li’l nafo cosply boy calling people “flathead subhuman” and derping about nazis. winning.

The Iceman Cometh

that’s because stupo the kraut’s a nazi. couldn’t be simpler.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Iceman Cometh

why aren’t you using your other names like jens holm or tom sawyer? you’re literally the worst troll on the ukro farm.

Last edited 5 months ago by Name
The Iceman Cometh

cut the bullshit. you love ukranazis, kraut.

Gneaus stapo

i love seeing more death rashniks indeed. endlösung der russenfrage is overdue.slava 🇺🇦 sieg 🇪🇺 horrido johoo dran drauf drüber


the nazi’s are all in your head.

zelensky the jew is sending slavs to kill other slavs, and bolshevik jews in russia are willing to do the same.

all the while netanyahu the jew wants jew owned america to have their white taxpayer’s cover the cost of their war.

soros the jew has promoted the immigration of millions of black and muslim parasite scum to europe.

Kev not Kiev

agreed… the city will fall to the russians, but while russians are hitting the nazi blockers in the rear, the lure of possibly still keeping the city by filling it with kidnapped conscripts, who surrender faster and in greater numbers, is a double edge sword the russians are using to inflict maximum damage to the nazi elements of the afu, while showing some compassion to the poor sods picked off the streets and sent a hell they never voted for. no one gets to vote in a coup, but oligarchs…


avdiivka is 100km and 9 years from debaltseve. it makes “breaking” progress roughly 10km per year. or 30 meters per day. congratulations.

Last edited 5 months ago by hohou

your copiun is pathetic. everyday you nazis lower your nazi standards. bakhmut is strategically important, bakhmut isn’t really strategically important. avdeevka is impenetrable, whatever avdeevka isn’t that advantageous anyway. now you are doing “ nazi math” similar to tiktok “girl math” 🤣

jens holm

2,15% are nazis in ukraine.

the rest just dont like you since 1917.

of couse we support nazis there as long as they defend their own country gainst the communists and their bad habits.

fat boy slim here

wrong, zelenski is ran by the ss wolfsangel azov, which is a self proclaimed neo nazi group. so yes, the leaders of ukraine are nazis. hard core nazis. nazis and fascists of the worst kind

The Iceman Cometh

zelensky no doubt sent them to reinforce avdeevka on purpose, to thin out their ranks. he’s deathly afraid of them, as he should be. yarosh said he’d cut his throat if he ever broke ranks with them, or was it biletsky or some other. so many nazis, who can remember them all.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Iceman Cometh
Stephan Williams

the real leaders of ukraine may indeed be what you guys call notsees, but they’re also almost entirely jewish.


if they’re jews, then they are just cosplaying nazis.

no self respecting nazi would take directions from a goddamned hebrew.


what the hell kind of nazi would follow a jew?


a one with money, dude. nazis are eternal beggars and thieves but not very good thieves. usually purses and cell phones and such, grab & run stuff.


nazis are eternal beggars?

lol. they weren’t the ones begging for a truce from western nations, nor were they the ones begging to be removed from ovens.


“self proclaimed” doesn’t make it so.

the leaders of ukraine are a race of globalhomo, pro-trans, pro corruption, us liberal financed jews.

any self respecting nazi would’ve had toasted zelensky in the “bakeries” of auschwitz, with his depraved brethren.



they wish. they all would’ve been incinerated by the mobile killing units of the einsatzgruppen.

these idiots are sooo far from nazis, it’s ridiculous. they are doing nothing more than playing dress up, luckily putin has not employed a massive bombing campaign on the ukranians.


you diseased lgbt sodomite just admitted western governments have no problem supporting nazis in ukraine. now tell that truth on your msinstream news.

the vast majority of civilians in ukraine don’t support nazis nor the drug addict zelensky. but the vast majority of idiots in the military do and they will be eliminated including your gay nazi foreign mercs.


also retard, how is it that “ukrainians” don’t like russians since 1917 when ukraine is a fake country that only started being constructed for the first time in history from 1922 to 1954 as a republic of the soviet union. before that ukraines were all over the russian empire as geographical locations that meant “countryside region” or borderlands. the more historically inept you are the easier it is to fall for western globalist propaganda.

NATO* Terrorists

amen lol……….

The Iceman Cometh

lots of ukrainian names in the russian government. the ones you speak of are the freakoid neonazi types from galicia, where they murdered a hundred thousand poles with pitchforks under bandera and pushed naked jews into pits and shot them at babi yar. now it’s they who get bulldozed into pits, while the poles and jews send them money and weapons. it’s a crazy world out there.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Iceman Cometh
The Iceman Cometh

play stupid games, win stupid prizes. you’re not playing with defenseless poles and jews any more, hohli. you’re playing with the big boys now and they don’t break and run. they run over you like a bulldozer. enjoy the show.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Iceman Cometh
jens holm

1917 men smash my rektum in bus toilets. 2.15% nazis.

The Iceman Cometh

even 2.15% is 600,000-800,000, jughead. how many did it take for hitler to take over germany in the 30’s. far less, dipsy doodle. in fact, it only took a few hundred to turn maidan into a violent banderite coup. nuland’s nazis, they were called.

my gosh, you get dumber by the day. they don’t teach critical thinking in your country?

Last edited 5 months ago by The Iceman Cometh
Stephan Williams

hitler and the national socialists won the election honestly and believed in protecting the german people. there’s nothing honest or honorable about mini-zee and his tribe or the plans they have for ukraine and its peoples.

The Iceman Cometh

i see, so…. hitler was a saint and the jews were all satanists.

thank you for that heartfelt hallmark moment. now, take a hike.

The Iceman Cometh

i mean, my ancestors fled two communist takeovers, bolsheviks and yugo partisans but to beatify hitler? never in a million years. that’s strictly for sickos, uckos and stupos.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Iceman Cometh

hitler was a prophet. guided by the hands of the old gods.

but he turned his back on them and his people paid the price.

he misjudged the problem before he had the chance to complete it’s final solution.

Adam Kafei

no. critical thinking runs counter to indoctrination by media.

Jean Paul France

humanity and its civilization have always been a binomial of individualism and socialism, even religions have a socialist part. since the fall of the berlin wall and the triumph of nato, it has been spread that all socialism is extremely bad. so now there is only postmodernism, which is imperialist ultra-capitalism (nato) with its “woke” left. the example of this are characters like the danish jens, a fascist with feelings of moral superiority.


no. russian propaganda is not matching the reality. putin doesn’t want a victory, he wants a stalemate. the same he did in syria. he never attacked al tanf. he just sits there, making us presence unbearable. i’m sick of russian propaganda. it is more static approach then ww1 trench war. they are claiming victories but in reality they seek stalemate, hoping that u.s. war machine will eventually seek another target.


remember, stalemate in afghanistan took 20 years and left the whole country destroyed beyond repair, it will took another 20 years to rebuild the basic infrastructure there. that’s precisely what is repeating in syria and donetsk-luhansk. putin is not liberating his own people. he is using them as human shields and he is making barricades from their cities. the only russian general who was able to move and do something was prigozhin and prigozhin is dead.


how much territory has been lost by the failed ukrainian cia project since the 2014 us coup in kiev? just a ballpark figure for crimea, lugansk, donetsk, zapo, kherson, kharkov, mykolaiv?

Gneaus stapo

how much has been won by rashniks?


i don’t know what a “rashnik” is, li’l nafomosexual cosplay boy. why not take a shot at answering my question?

The Iceman Cometh

he answered it, with a good dose of feel-good copium. hey, nazis will be nazis. remember hitler’s copium pills in his bunker?


yes, but he was able to drag the vile souls of six million hebrew rejects and untold roma to hell before he sat in the western halls of valhalla.


oh jeez, you are a sicko. why aren’t you on the front, armchair sicko, huh?

Joseph Day

but but the ukraine counter offensive yielded minus 10 kilometres of gains. buhahaha some counter

The Iceman Cometh

a 100,000 for 10 kms, then to defend it with another 100,000 and then lose it all again. that’s nazi math for you.

The Iceman Cometh

they used to lose just 500 a day. now they’re up to 1000 a day. more nazi math for you.


ukraine counteroffensive is another bitter pill in russian history. putin desperately needed prigozhin and his army. prigozhin suffered the biggest losses and stopped that counteroffensive. as soon as it was done and prigozhin liberated bakhmut and wanted to go forward putin and his envy generals started to sabotage him and eventually dismissed his army and killed him and all of the wagner top command with him. this was a betrayal, but not from wagners but from russian government.


forward brothers…

Gneaus stapo

mass grave is waiting, dawai dawai.


man, that is some serial failure of the ukrainian puppet army. ten years of steady nato training, arming, supporting, and advising the ukrainians, and this russian army that supposedly can’t fight, has no equipment, has sub-standard eqiupment, has unfit conscripts, etc. ad propaganda infinitum, just keeps grinding up these us-owned outposts in the failed ukrainian cia project.

Gneaus stapo

at the cost of 10:1 and even the more modern flathead equipment like t90 getting disabled by old school bradley ifv bang for buck best war since gulf war 2

Last edited 5 months ago by Gneaus stapo

schnauze du drecksau nazi – dich kriegen wir noch


the kraut brought another guy in named rommel. nazis tend to clump together, like used toilet paper.


i thought after killing 6 civilians in belgorod you ukro rats were “winning”. i guess not. now scatter like the rats that you are back to the king of rats zelensky.


zelensky do be looking like a rat, a face only a mother could love. that genetics of the “juice”.

jens holm

no need to show your low level and again and again


aww is the gay zelensky fan boy triggered?

The Iceman Cometh

copenhagen sewers are full of rats, like paris, the ny subway and ukie trenches. maybe jens lives down there.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Iceman Cometh
Fake Inspector

quite frankly i dont think you are a dane buddy, stop faking this. it’s already obvious. all danes i met in my recent trips had perfect english and didn’t give a shit for ukras. in fact they think ukra fugees are quite annoying ppl. so ukra, go to hell, nobody likes you.

Last edited 5 months ago by Fake Inspector

the fact that he got triggered when someone called jews rat faced says it all. his true face is showing.


what says it all is that he flat-out states his admiration for ukrainan nazis as long as they’re fighting communists. funny how nazis roll like that. nazi nationalists are okay, but communist ones aren’t. the americans still can’t bring themselves to acknowledge that the vietnamese they murdered were nationalists. okay to murder communists. wacky ol’ identitarians.

The Iceman Cometh

what communists is he fighting, chinese or vietnamese? how’d they get over there anyway?

The Iceman Cometh

he’s a dumb dane who repeated 3th grade english 5 times and they finally kicked him out, because he outgrew the desks. he’s still a runt but a tad bigger than a 3rd grader.


at least he can articulate with sense and write phrases in good english. you can’t. cope.


how come you don’t adopt a nazi name like your two friends here, jens?

you know danes love nazis. they invited them to take over their country in what was it, a day and a half?

“welcome and come in for some tea, heinrich. would you like to meet my daughter?”

The Iceman Cometh

yeah, but how about that turchinov who took over right after maidan. a dead ringer face of a rat.

jens holm

today the russian infection killed more ukras then that few.


sore ass danish fruitcake. watch the crying game again and sob urself to sleep, rubber dck included…


the only infection here are the multiple diseases you got from your boyfriend and the fact that you probably have a rat face due to being mixed with those aforementioned genetics. makes sense.

The Iceman Cometh

that’s true, russia is the nazis’ worst nightmare. deadlier than nuland’s cookies even. ukies should’ve stuck with minsk ii, i guess. deal of the century it was. porkshanks said he’d end it in 48 hours then when that fizzled out, by driving all the donbass kids into dark basements while he bombed their parents and their kids too, if they weren’t fast enough. didn’t work out either, did it? play stupid games, porky – win stupid prizes. f-k you, ukraine, and the western jackasses you rode in on.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Iceman Cometh
The Iceman Cometh

targeting and killing civilians makes ukies feel like ‘big men’, kind’a like stupo there.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Iceman Cometh
Janne Kankaanpää

russia has not yet got total control of the last remaining road, but they will tomorrow. they are about 200 meters away to my knowledge. this is the last night of adviivka in ukrainian hands. all ukrainian troops will retreat tonight.

Gneaus stapo

sure dawarish

Fake Inspector

fake cope. try harder nazi


hi jens holm other nazi account


so there’s a ukrainian win in the cards here, nafo cosplay boy?

Gneaus stapo

of course, there is no road to victory for rashniks. / how do u imagine the world to be like after russian victory?


cosplay boy, are the ukrainians going to expel the russians from donetsk, lugansk, crimea, zapo, kherson, kharkov and mykolaiv?

Gneaus stapo

yes thats the only final solution. since the red plague took over in russia, it has been the arch enemy, beaten already in afghanistan and the cold war, but like true rashniks cockroaches, it is coming back again and again, threatening our european peace.


so, wie is denn die situation in avdiivka nazi?


hey gestapo your fellow “nazi sympathizer” navalny (who marched in moscow with the skinheads 10 years ago) is dead. cry me a river now ukie


keep calm pig nose nazi…..your hoocked nose leaders will scape at the endo of the war and you will be happy again with bandera followers kissin another ass


they’ll just change the names and pretend they did.


a few out of every hundred survived. for ukraine, that’s a win.


cope and seethe orc hehehe

Gneaus stapo

count the wasted rashniks tanks/ ifv”s and cope subhuman ivan soldestka horde flathead.


how many dead ukrainians and assorted us imperialist losers?

The Iceman Cometh

hey, stupo……you’re becoming a favorite around here. now we know where the stapo comes from. were you one of those born in those nazi baby camps in norway? father gestapo, mother some unfortunate norwegian slave? is that how you came into this life?

statspolitiet (transl. the state police; shortened stapo) was from 1941 to 1945 a national socialist armed police force that consisted of norwegian officials after nazi german pattern.

The Iceman Cometh

maybe you should write a memoir, and submit it to the german psychiatric association – you know, as a case study in the role genetic mutations play in insanity.

The Iceman Cometh

retreat? it’s too late for a retreat, just like bakhmut. brilliant ukie leadership has left them in a boiling pot, to either surrender or die. not only that, they send azov right into the center of the boiling pot. i think zelensky and syrsky secretly hate azov.

Janne Kankaanpää

azov are mostly at the coke plant and defending the retreat points. ukrainian leadership always speak one thing and do another. they have retreated by now mostly, trust me.

The Iceman Cometh

and the russkies shelled them into oblivion on the retreat. well done.

Fake Inspector

if avdiivka is ‘nothing’, why did you nazis defended it for almost 10 years?

The Iceman Cometh

he’s funny. he reads the news, then substitutes russians for ukrainians and runs over here to post it.

or he reads the kyiv post, where they do that for him. lol

The Iceman Cometh

because that was their favorite spot for shelling donetsk civilians for 10 years.

Psionists slaves of America

bravo. viva putin. viva al-assad. viva the axes of the resistance. brandon and the other treasonous israel-first zionist slaves in the government, in the intel, in the military and in the main stream media are losing on every front. trump-in2024.

Gneaus stapo

lol ? are u really that dump to count on trump?


and how does lloyd austin a-ss ho-le taste? like chocolate?

Gneaus stapo

no clue, find out urself. whatever fantasy floats ur boat bro


ah, common – you know that every german is taught how to lick yankee d1ck before they finish kindergarten.

Gneaus stapo

sure rashnik, spoken like a true flathead.

slippery hillbilly in oregon

stupo live in amerikan colony–loser

Last edited 5 months ago by slippery hillbilly in oregon
Gneaus stapo

it really depends on what lloydie (i call him like this) had for lunch. today it tasted more like coffee. with milk.


geesas chraist, spare me the details gestapo, yuck

Gneaus stapo

u are the one with the gay fantasy, so hate urself for asking and even more hate imposer stapo for his her it answer.

what is it with ur kind anyway and all the gay or rape stuff?

france foreign legion dead

he didnt say anything about rape – you gave your bussy to lloyd voluntarily

Gneaus stapo

all rashniks have rape fantasy, tomb is prime example. no clue what is wrong with flathead upbringing, but end result always seems to be same: rape fantasies, pathologic anti semitism, believing any bs government claiming and obsessed about satan/ gays/ etc.

ich danke daher dem allmächtigen das ich kein russe bin.

slippery hillbilly in oregon

for stupo no phantasy—lgbt every day


tom sawyer jens holm gneaus stapo it’s the same troll

Gneaus stapo

wanna find out? u are welcome to meet me at prinz-albrecht-straße 8, berlin, unhappily i have no clue about tom’s or jen’s adresses.


last of the true hard nafo cosplay internet bare-knuckle urinal-puck eaters. congratulations, champ.

The Iceman Cometh

lol. he listed the address of the old gestapo headquarters.


today the same building is a puff (a german brothel) with many ukra widows and their daughters working there


i checked the address. it really is where the old gestapo building was before it was turned into a graveyard..

Gneaus stapo

😁😂😂😂 really.

Gneaus stapo

😉😁👍🏻 thanks for playing along and congrats u googled adress.


it loves balboa just as a true degenerate rocko fan…

part 30 is planned rocko vs aliens. he punches out evryting…

Gneaus stapo

i am the champ indeed, ur drunken , problematic ( ur own words) mom thanked me all night not and begged for more. get over it oedipus.

The Iceman Cometh

is the gestapo hq where poppa died, little gneaus? they made quite a swiss cheese monument out of it, don’t you think?

slippery hillbilly in oregon

real stupo address—langley va


how many ukrainians died? how much territory has now been lost since the 2014 us coup in kiev?


i hope russians learn the lesson how much damage the so called us soft power can cause. the fact that a partially pro russian partially at least not anti russian country was turned around to become the personified antirussia with a devoted majority who put dead russians ahead of their own survival shows how dangerous it is to ignore western so called ngo’s at work.


it’s not a country. it’s the hinterland between russia and the us imperium. and the americans have been cultivating ukretardish ethnonationalist russophobia for eighty years.

Gneaus stapo

sure dawarish whatever floats ur boat. still the country u call hinterland bleeds the rashniks, sinks their black sea fleet and will not loose. bang for buck best war since gulf war 2.trust me. endsieg und endlösung der russenfrage is overdue and coming.

slippery hillbilly in oregon

stapo dumber than lizard in land of idiot germs

Gneaus stapo

exactly, but rashniks have igor konashenkov and screwjew to tell opposite reality.




is that where you used to meet up with your foreign boyfriends before they got deployed to die for ukraine? that’s cute.

Last edited 5 months ago by Name

thanks for the invite, but no thanks, i’m not into your gay hookups.

Gneaus stapo

what a shame,me and the other kameraden would love u join our ivb4 bisexuell shower club. it is breath taking, hot and steamy. ur kind love it, trust me

Last edited 5 months ago by Gneaus stapo

talking about homos and gays – it’s not russia who allows and even “promotes” gay marriages. it’s your country. so be proud, accept what you are and march in the berlin gay parade.

Last edited 5 months ago by Jay
Gneaus stapo

ivb4 shower was open for everyone. ur welcome,trust me.


gestapo, tommy and jens holmo are coping bad since the fall of avdiivka. calm down divas


gratuliere! grüße aus deutschland. hier sind die meisten gegen diesen krieg und waffenlieferungen in die ukraine. wir werden aber leider hier von nazis regiert. der größte nazi ist bundeskanzler scholz ! übrigens hat er in seiner jugend den militärdienst verweigert, was in deutschland möglich ist. jetzt verschleudert er hunderte milliarden von deutschen erarbeitetes geld in der ukraine , während auch hier in deuschland immer mehr hunger und elend gibt.

Gneaus stapo

komm erzähl noch einen.

slippery hillbilly in oregon

weak stapo cry like weasel


another opponent with balls murdered by the hitler of the 21st century, today another opponent is tried and others have disappeared, it’s like that in putinland, land of the russian neo-nazis, navalny is a gentleman with them in place and not a fearful and obedient sheep, government russian = hitler nazis

slippery hillbilly in oregon

yes we are inferior tantrum crybaby


still a long way from liberating london

Gneaus stapo

i totaly agree with u, slava 🇺🇦+🖕 rashniks


🇷🇸🇷🇸 russia. . hurry up to serbia and continue to free srbijas kosovo from nato occupied serbian land and denacify balkan.


glory to russia as they liberate another city from the nazi’s. now onwards to chasiv yar, kharkov, odessa and then to kiev where hopefully they either capture or kill all the nazi leadership. =z=

slippery hillbilly in oregon

again we prove our inferiority

slippery hillbilly in oregon

amerikan lgbt soldier pay taliban for sodomy

slippery hillbilly in oregon

9 dead ukrop for each russian—coward amerikan fear death…lose all wars

stapomcstupid therapist

stapo has another seizure due to reality of her inferiority after recognizing russian superiority…we have doubled his seroquel and haldol

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