Written by TheSaker; Originally appeared at TheUnzReview Just like European maps place Europe in the center of the planet, so…
Written by Aleksandr Khramchikhin; Originally appeared at VPK, translated by GM exclusively for SouthFront Saud Arabia is considered to be…
Written by Elena Troyanova; Originally appeared at TheDuran As the investigation and manhunt for the truck driver continue, here are…
Originally appeared at MoonOfAlabama The NYT laments today that international negotiations about the situation in Syria now continue without any…
Written by Christina Christova; Originally appeared at Memoriabg, translated by Valentina Tzoneva exclusively for SouthFront On the eve of July…
Written by Alexander Mercouris; Originally appeared at TheDuran As criticism of Angela Merkel grows German police identify Tunisian asylum seeker…
Written by TheSaker; Originally appeared at his blog Okay, so tonight we have the name of the assassin, it is…
Written by TheSaker; Originally appeared at TheUnzReview There are clear signs that the Neocons running the AngloZionist Empire and its…